Nothing could feel more freeing than climbing astride your motorcycle and heading off on a long ride in the sunshine. While the weather might seem like it’s ideal for this, temperatures will climb rapidly and it’s easy to overheat, particularly in heavy motorcycle gear. So how do you stay cool and comfortable while still enjoying your favorite pastime?

Your Yamaha and Husqvarna motorcycle dealer is Specialty Recreation & Marine of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. As such, we want you to be prepared for every eventuality. This guide to warm weather riding should help you stay cool and safe when you’re riding in the hot sun!


People don’t always understand how risky hot weather can be, especially when it comes to motorcycle riding. After all, aren’t clear and sunny days the ideal for riding? You don’t have to contend with ice, rain or snow on the roads or frigid winds icing you to your bones. By contrast, sunshine seems pretty dandy.

However, the sun does pose some inherent risks and being aware of these can help you avoid them. For starters, your vision may be impaired by road conditions; bright sunshine can cause a “sun dazzle” on the road ahead of you, and its bright light can hit you right in the eyes when it bounces off the mirrors and windows of passing vehicles.

Another major concern is heat exhaustion and its end result, heat stroke. These are serious conditions that you need to take steps to prevent. Obviously, milder concerns exist, like sunburns that peel and itch, but when your entire body overheats, you grow dizzy and disoriented, which is the absolute last thing you want when you’re riding astride hundreds of pounds of metal in motion!

Dress For The Heat

To counteract the rising temperatures, you’re going to need to change up your riding gear and how you dress. You might be tempted to dispense with the leather jacket and sturdy boots and ride in sneakers and a T-shirt, but you’re simply asking for trouble if you do this. The reason motorcyclists wear layers in the first place is as protection against road rash if they slide out. You want something between your skin and the asphalt to reduce injury.

Not only that, but while it may seem counterintuitive, covering up your skin in the heat can actually keep you cooler because it shields you from sunburn and the direct heat of the rays. So don your jeans and your long-sleeved jacket, along with your helmet, boots and riding gloves.

You can, however, swap out some of these items for more breathable and lightweight versions. A ventilated riding jacket in a lighter color will help you stay cooler, and linen or light cotton can be nice to wear in the summer. Wear a bandana around your forehead under your helmet to sop up sweat so it doesn’t drip into your eyes.

Drink Water

Another key component of heat exhaustion is dehydration. It’s very easy to ride for a few hours without pause and to forget that you need to take a minute and stay hydrated. If you’re riding in hot temperatures, you’ll likely sweat, which means your body will steadily lose water and electrolytes. This water needs to be replenished.

So carry a bottle or two of water with you, and perhaps add a sports drink into the mix or a salty snack to help replenish electrolytes. You could even invest in a hands-free hydration backpack to sip from as you ride. Just make sure you’re getting enough water!


As we noted above, you may try to ride your motorcycle for hours non-stop simply for the fun of it, but you’re going to notice fatigue setting in if you do this. You may even need to cut your ride short if you don’t give your body and mind chances to rest and recover. Take breaks at gas stations or roadside attractions. Use this time to drink water, have a snack, sit in the shade, shut your eyes or walk around to stretch your limbs. Adequate rest breaks will ensure you’re always alert for the duration of your ride!

We hope these tips help you to beat the heat this summer while still enjoying your motorcycle and all the joy it has to offer you. We carry a great selection of Yamaha and Husqvarna motorcycles at our Coeur d’Alene dealership, so you’ll want to come pay us a visit as soon as you can! Specialty Recreation & Marine also proudly serves the city of Spokane, Washington.